CMD Plot Tool (Windows Version)

Download Windows Zipped Exe CMD Plot Tool (Windows)
Source code and MAC Version Link
Science Direct
Arxiv Arxiv link
Bibtex citation @article{FITZGERALD2019100283,
title = "Using the Agile software development lifecycle to develop a standalone application for generating colour magnitude diagrams",
journal = "Astronomy and Computing",
volume = "28",
pages = "100283",
year = "2019",
issn = "2213-1337",
doi = "",
url = "",
author = "K. Fitzgerald and L.-M. Browne and R.F. Butler",

Download & Install Instruction

  1. Click the download the zipped file from the following link: CMD Plot Tool (Windows)
  2. Unzip the zipped file to a folder of your choosing
  3. Navigate to that folder
  4. Create a shortcut to the application to your desktop:
    • Right click on CMD_Generator.exe
    • Select Send to
    • Select Desktop (create shortcut)
  5. A demonstration on this procedure and how to use the code is available in the screencast below

Important links for the ACS Globular Cluster Survey

  1. Column Discription
  2. Home Page & Data Sets